--- - name: Get current shell shell: "getent passwd {{ ansible_facts.user_id }} | cut -d: -f7" register: current_shell changed_when: no - name: Change shell to fish command: chsh --shell /usr/bin/fish when: "current_shell.stdout != '/usr/bin/fish'" - name: Download and update iTerm2 shell integration get_url: url: https://iterm2.com/shell_integration/fish dest: "{{ ansible_facts.env.HOME }}/.config/fish/conf.d/iterm2_integration.fish" force: yes - name: Download and update Oh My Fish! packages git: repo: "{{ item.value }}" dest: "{{ ansible_facts.env.HOME }}/.config/fish/pkgs/{{ item.key }}" loop: "{{ omf_pkgs | dict2items }}" notify: Collect fish functions from packages