--- - name: Copy config to home directory copy: src: home/ dest: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/" mode: preserve - name: Create link at ~/web file: src: /var/www/virtual/{{ ansible_user_id }} dest: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/web" state: link - name: Initialize ~/web/sites file: path: /var/www/virtual/{{ ansible_user_id }}/sites state: directory - name: Download and update projectr git: repo: https://github.com/lukasbestle/projectr.git dest: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.config/fish/pkgs/projectr" - name: Set up deploy script template: src: deploy.php.j2 dest: /var/www/virtual/{{ ansible_user_id }}/html/deploy.php - name: Read existing Uberspace domains command: uberspace web domain list register: uberspace_web_domain_result changed_when: no - name: Add configured domains to Uberspace config shell: "uberspace web domain add $(idn {{ item.key }})" when: item.key not in uberspace_web_domain_result.stdout_lines loop: "{{ web_links.get(ansible_user_id, {}) | dict2items }}" - name: Set up sites using projectr command: argv: - site_add - "{{ item.key }}" creates: /var/www/virtual/{{ ansible_user_id }}/sites/{{ item.key }} loop: "{{ web_sites.get(ansible_user_id, {}) | dict2items }}" - name: Set up site origins using projectr (sites with origin) command: argv: - site_origin - "{{ item.key }}" - "{{ item.value }}" creates: /var/www/virtual/{{ ansible_user_id }}/sites/{{ item.key }}/.origin loop: "{{ web_sites.get(ansible_user_id, {}) | dict2items }}" when: item.value != None - name: Set up site origins using projectr (sites without origin) command: argv: - site_origin - "{{ item.key }}" removes: /var/www/virtual/{{ ansible_user_id }}/sites/{{ item.key }}/.origin loop: "{{ web_sites.get(ansible_user_id, {}) | dict2items }}" when: item.value == None - name: Deploy sites using projectr (sites with origin) command: argv: - site_deploy - "{{ item.key }}" creates: /var/www/virtual/{{ ansible_user_id }}/sites/{{ item.key }}/current loop: "{{ web_sites.get(ansible_user_id, {}) | dict2items }}" when: item.value != None - name: Link sites to domains command: argv: - site_link - "{{ item.value.site }}" - "{{ item.key }}" - "{{ item.value.get('path', '') }}" creates: /var/www/virtual/{{ ansible_user_id }}/{{ item.key }} loop: "{{ web_links.get(ansible_user_id, {}) | dict2items }}" - name: Ensure that qdated directories for all Mail Uberspaces exist file: path: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.config/qdated/{{ hostvars[item].ansible_user_id }}" state: directory loop: "{{ groups.mail }}" - name: Copy qdated keys from all Mail Uberspaces copy: content: "{{ hostvars[item].qdated_key }}" dest: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.config/qdated/{{ hostvars[item].ansible_user_id }}/.qdated-key" loop: "{{ groups.mail }}" - name: Set up qdated address generation cronjob cron: name: "qdated generation" hour: "2" minute: "3" job: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/bin/qdated-generate" - name: Check if the access log is enabled command: uberspace web log access status register: uberspace_log_access_status_result changed_when: no - name: Enable access log command: uberspace web log access enable when: "'is enabled' not in uberspace_log_access_status_result.stdout" - name: Check if the PHP error log is enabled command: uberspace web log php_error status register: uberspace_log_php_error_status_result changed_when: no - name: Enable PHP error log command: uberspace web log php_error enable when: "'is enabled' not in uberspace_log_php_error_status_result.stdout"