Fork 0

Extract polyfills into a separate JS file

Lukas Bestle 6 years ago
parent 9456b8e609
commit 93ab1a7f3b

@ -113,8 +113,11 @@ helpers.buildJS = function(site, minify) {
if(!site) site = 'shared';
if(!minify) minify = false;
var src = ['site/patterns/shared/**/*.js'];
if(site !== 'shared') src.push('site/patterns/' + site + '/**/*.js');
var src = ['site/patterns/shared/**/*.js', '!site/patterns/shared/polyfills.js'];
if(site !== 'shared') {
src.push('site/patterns/' + site + '/**/*.js');
src.push('!site/patterns/' + site + '/polyfills.js');
// Concat the JS files
var stream = gulp.src(src)
@ -134,6 +137,38 @@ helpers.buildJS = function(site, minify) {
return stream.pipe(refresh());
* Builds the polyfills JS of the specified site
* @param {string} site Site name, defaults to "shared" if not given
* @param {boolean} minify Whether to minify using UglifyJS
* @return {stream}
helpers.buildPolyfillsJS = function(site, minify) {
if(!site) site = 'shared';
if(!minify) minify = false;
var src = ['site/patterns/shared/polyfills.js'];
if(site !== 'shared') src.push('site/patterns/' + site + '/polyfills.js');
// Concat the JS files
var stream = gulp.src(src, {allowEmpty: true})
.pipe(include({includePaths: __dirname + '/node_modules'}))
// Minify JS if required
if(minify) {
stream = stream.pipe(rename('polyfills.min.js'))
.pipe(uglify({output: {comments: 'some'}}))
// Trigger LiveReload
return stream.pipe(refresh());
* Copies all files matching a specified pattern to the assets dir
* Removes folder hierarchies so make sure that each file has a unique name!
@ -186,6 +221,20 @@ gulp.task('js.min', function() {
return helpers.buildJS(site, true);
* Combines the polyfills JS files of the current site
gulp.task('polyfills', function() {
return helpers.buildPolyfillsJS(site);
* Combines and minifies the polyfills JS files of the current site
gulp.task('polyfills.min', function() {
return helpers.buildPolyfillsJS(site, true);
* Copies all webfonts to assets/fonts
@ -211,7 +260,7 @@ gulp.task('prismjs', function() {
* Builds everything except the minified files for local development
gulp.task('default', gulp.series(gulp.parallel('fonts', 'img'), gulp.parallel('css', 'js', 'prismjs')));
gulp.task('default', gulp.series(gulp.parallel('fonts', 'img'), gulp.parallel('css', 'js', 'polyfills', 'prismjs')));
* Watches for changes
@ -221,6 +270,7 @@ function watchwait() {
gulp.watch('site/patterns/**/*.scss', gulp.series('css'));
gulp.watch('site/patterns/**/*.js', gulp.series('js'));
gulp.watch('site/patterns/*/polyfills.js', gulp.series('polyfills'));
gulp.watch('site/patterns/**/*.{woff,woff2,eot}', gulp.series('fonts'));
gulp.watch('site/patterns/**/*.{jpg,png,svg,ico}', gulp.series('img'));
@ -242,4 +292,4 @@ gulp.task('clean', function() {
function prodclean() {
return del(['node_modules', 'gulpfile.js', 'site/patterns/*/', '!site/patterns/{shared,' + site + '}']);
gulp.task('prod', gulp.series('clean', gulp.parallel('fonts', 'img'), gulp.parallel('css.min', 'js.min', 'prismjs'), prodclean));
gulp.task('prod', gulp.series('clean', gulp.parallel('fonts', 'img'), gulp.parallel('css.min', 'js.min', 'polyfills.min', 'prismjs'), prodclean));

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit a42ea124cc0094fdbaff1350b1dc0490a1924cf5
Subproject commit 69b3f079ead4316d4cfbdf29a8c3d10dfa98bf61

@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
<?php pattern('shared/2-blocks/footer', ['pSite' => 'codesignd']) ?>
<?= js('assets/js/index' . c::get('assets.suffix') . '.js') ?>
window.fetch || document.write('<?= str_replace('/script', '\\/script', js('assets/js/polyfills' . c::get('assets.suffix') . '.js')) ?>')
<?= js('assets/js/index' . c::get('assets.suffix') . '.js') ?>
