派生 0
codesignd website at codesignd.com/codesignd.de
您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
Lukas Bestle 8580307459 Update Kirby to 2.5.7 7 年前
assets Initial public commit 8 年前
content Update copyright date 7 年前
kirby@70635b48ad Update Kirby to 2.5.7 7 年前
site Update dev domains 7 年前
thumbs Initial public commit 8 年前
.gitignore Initial public commit 8 年前
.gitmodules Initial public commit 8 年前
.htaccess Initial public commit 8 年前
.postdeploy.sh Initial public commit 8 年前
.user.ini Initial public commit 8 年前
gulpfile.js Update npm dependencies 7 年前
index.php Initial public commit 8 年前
license.md Initial public commit 8 年前
package.json Update npm dependencies 7 年前
pgp.asc Initial public commit 8 年前
readme.md Initial public commit 8 年前


codesignd website

codesignd website at codesignd.com/codesignd.de

This is the main repository of the codesignd website. Most of the actual code is stored in the patterns repository, which is shared with other codesignd websites. Feel free to take a look at the code and the pattern library and don't hesitate to contact me:

© 2016 Lukas Bestle


See license.md.