Add Gitea webhook receiver template

Lukas Bestle 5 years ago
parent 07cf718ad9
commit fe51225253

@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ The automatic rollback does essentially the same thing. It only changes the link
The tool `project_deploy` takes the full path to the project and the Git revision to install (`site_deploy` only takes the site name as you saw above). Obviously, this is not very useful, but easy to use in deployment hook scripts.
You can find example PHP implementations for GitHub and GitLab webhooks in `webhook.github.php` and `webhook.gitlab.php`, but you can also create your own if you use a different repository service:
You can find example PHP implementations for GitHub, GitLab and Gitea webhooks in `webhook.github.php`, `webhook.gitlab.php` and `webhook.gitea.php`, but you can also create your own if you use a different repository service:
1. Write a script that receives webhooks from the repository and gets the repository URL, commit SHA-1 and branch name of the event from the transmitted data.
2. Read the file `~/.projects`, which contains the paths to all known projects and sites, and iterate through it.

@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
* projectr
* Tools for deployments and project management
* Gitea frontend for deployments
* @author Lukas Bestle <>
* @copyright Copyright 2014 Lukas Bestle
* @license MIT
* @file webhook.gitea.php
// 1. Configuration
// ====================
// Secret used as authentication (you have to set this in the Gitea project settings as well)
// ATTENTION: Make sure this is long and secure, as anyone could checkout any commit of your projects otherwise
define('SECRET', '<long token>');
// Path where you installed the scripts from the "bin" directory of this repository
// This is required, as PHP doesn't automatically use the environment and therefore your $PATH from your shell
define('TOOLKIT_PATH', '/home/<user>/bin');
// 2. Setup
// ====================
* This is an example webhook for Gitea projects.
* It's fairly simple to set this script up on your server/Uberspace, here's how:
* 1. Setup the toolkit, so you can access the tools from your SSH shell (more about that in
* 2. Take a look at the settings above.
* 2.1. Seriously, have you set a secret? Yes? Alright.
* 3. Place this script in a directory in ~/web/ (something like "~/web/")
* 4. You should now be able to access
* This should output "Web hook event (X-Gitea-Event header) is missing from request.".
* Now you can create projects and let this script deploy them for you:
* 5. If your project is a private repository:
* 5.1. Generate an SSH key by using `ssh-keygen`. The default values are alright for this purpose.
* 5.2. Copy the contents of `~/.ssh/` to your clipboard and add it as "Deploy Key" in your project's Gitea settings interface.
* 6. Create the project on the server by running either `project_add <path> <exact HTTPS clone url from Gitea>#<branch to deploy>` or
* `site_add <name> <exact HTTPS clone url from Gitea>#<branch to deploy>`.
* It's important to use the exact HTTPS url (not the SSH one) so this script can find the project!
* 7. Add the URL (the one you tested in 4.) of the script to your project's web hooks (choose the type "Gitea").
* Make sure to add the secret configured above and select the "POST" method, the "application/json" type and the "Push Events" trigger.
* 8. To test if it everything works, push some code to your Gitea repository.
* Troubleshooting:
* - Use `tail -f <path to project>/logs/*.log`. This should tell you what went wrong.
* - Check if the TOOLKIT_PATH you set above is correct.
* - Check if you set the origin of your project to the correct URL.
* - Open the web hook URL you entered in Gitea in your browser and check if the output is "Web hook event (X-Gitea-Event header) is missing from request.".
* - Click on the pen icon next to your web hook in Gitea's settings interface. You should see a list of "recent deliveries".
* You can find the exact error message from this script in the "Response" tab of the delivery.
// 3. Done
// The code starts here
// ====================
// We are always returning plain text
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
// Check if a secret has been set
if (SECRET === '<long token>') {
die('No secret has been set in ' . basename(__FILE__) . ". This script won't work without one.");
// Check which event this is
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_GITEA_EVENT']) !== true) {
die('Web hook event (X-Gitea-Event header) is missing from request.');
switch ($event) {
case 'push':
echo "Received push event.\n";
die("Received $event event, ignoring.");
// Get the request body
$input = false;
switch ($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']) {
case 'application/json':
echo "Received JSON data in body.\n";
$input = file_get_contents('php://input');
case 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
echo "Received URL-encoded form data in body.\n";
$input = (isset($_POST['payload']) === true)? $_POST['payload'] : '';
die("Don't know what to do with {$_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']} content type.");
if (!$input) {
die('No POST body sent.');
// Check if the authentication is valid
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_GITEA_SIGNATURE']) !== true) {
die("Secret (X-Gitea-Signature header) is missing from request. Have you set a secret in Gitea's project settings?");
if (hash_equals(hash_hmac('sha256', $input, SECRET, false), $_SERVER['HTTP_X_GITEA_SIGNATURE']) !== true) {
die('Secret (X-Gitea-Signature header) is wrong or does not match request body.');
// Parse payload
$payload = json_decode($input, true);
if (is_array($payload) !== true) {
die('Invalid payload (no JSON?).');
// Get some interesting information from the payload
$url = $payload['repository']['clone_url'];
$commit = $payload['after'];
$ref = $payload['ref'];
if (preg_match('{(?:.*/){2}(.*)}', $ref, $matches) !== 1) {
die('Invalid ref field (does not match regular expression "(?:.*/){2}(.*)").');
$branch = $matches[1];
// Debug
echo "Received commit hash \"$commit\" for repository URL \"$url\" (branch \"$branch\").\n";
// Open ~/.projects and iterate through every project
$listPointer = fopen($_SERVER['HOME'] . '/.projects', 'r');
$exitCode = 0;
while (($project = fgets($listPointer)) !== false) {
// Trim whitespace
$project = trim($project);
// Only deployable projects are interesting for us
if (is_file($project . '/.origin') !== true || is_file($project . '/.branch') !== true) {
// If there is a .origin and .branch file, check if they match
if (trim(file_get_contents($project . '/.origin')) === $url && trim(file_get_contents($project . '/.branch')) === $branch) {
// Found the right project
echo "Found project at $project, running deploy script.\n";
// Run deploy script (in the background, because Gitea doesn't like responses > 5sec by default)
passthru('export PATH=' . escapeshellarg(TOOLKIT_PATH) . ':$PATH; project_deploy ' . escapeshellarg($project) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($commit) . ' &> /dev/null &', $exitCode);
// If it didn't work, add debug statement
if ($exitCode !== 0) {
echo "Something didn't work.\n";
// Iterated through every project, exit
http_response_code(($exitCode === 0)? 200 : 500);
die('All done.');